Location in Devin We will welcome you and take care of your every desire!

Reservations office Devin

We will welcome you, accommodate and care for each one you desire!

4800 Devin
Osvobozhdenie Str. (at the beginning of the town)

mob.: 00359884 / 707 970
mob.: 00359888 / 380 020
tel. fax: 003593041 / 2757
e-mail: spa@ismena.bg

Bank accounts

Please quote reservation number for the basis of the translation!

Bank account in Levs

Bank: SG "Expressbank" AD
IBAN: BG86TTBB94001523081683
Holder: "ISA Engineering" Ltd.

Bank account in Euro

Bank: SG "Expressbank" AD
IBAN: BG96TTBB94001525353243
Holder: "ISA Engineering" Ltd.

SPA Devin, complex Ismena

Warm mineral pool and SPA center. Weekend Packages and Affordable Offers for Your Holiday in Devin...

персенк девин°
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