A lot of people ask themselves where the name ISMENA comes from.
Ismena is the ancient Thracian goddess of love. It’s not very well known that she /Ismena/ is a heroine from Thebes, who is considered the founder of one of the municipalities in Boeotia.
..."In the ashes of the prophetic Apollo." ... - On a hill in the springs of the Ismen river was the Temple of Apollo Ismenski. In this temple he predicted the future by the sacrificial burning of animals.
"Oedipus"- Sophocles
Ismen is the river god in Greek mythology, son of Akonitum and Metopes (son of Oceanus and Tethys). He arrived in Boeotia / Thebes / and settled near the rive named after him.
Ismen is the father of Dirk, the grandfather of the nymph Kreneya and protector of Thebes. He tried to drown Hippomedon. Ismen is praised in a hymn to Zeus Pindar of Thebes.