The roman bridge KEMERA the route of the great Roman road

The cleanest air is above ... Genevra

In the locality of Ghenevra, 12 km. from the village of Borino, is the Roman bridge Kemera. It is a monarch, built of stones and a solder of white mortar.

The roman bridge KEMERA


  • 28 BGN per person/ group of 5-7 people /


  • 6 hours

Parameters for the Devil's Bridge

In the Dgenevra place, 12 km from the village of Borino, there is a Roman bridge called Kemera. It is one-arched and built from shattered stones and white mortar.

Parts from the front and the corners of the well-bent arch are shaped with well-framed stones. It is paved by small river stones. The length of the bridge is 32,40m and the width is 3,60m. It is 6 meters high.

By visiting it, the tourists touch history, because the bridge is part of the road-bed of the Roman route connecting Philipopolis through the Rhodopes with Nicopolis and Nestum /Nevrocop/.

The route is very extreme! It is hard to decide what is more impressive – the Roman bridge or the route to it!

For bookings and further information:
spa [_@_] | 00359884 / 70 79 70

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